Why Voting is Important
Voting is an important part of being a citizen. Whether it's the presidential election or the county election, your vote and opinion matter. It's your right as a citizen to have your voice be heard. Voting is how you can do just that! It's an honor to be able to give your individual input as to the outcome of the election. As your Presiding Commissioner of Camden County, Greg Hasty knows how important it is to get out and vote. If you don't think your opinion matters, it does! Take a look below to find a few of the reasons why voting is so important. 1) Let your voice be heard. 2) Take a stand for your beliefs. 3) It's your right - exercise it. 4) Be patriotic. 5) Impact the future for yourself and future generations. 6) Someone has fought for your right to vote. 7) It's a blessing to have your opinion matter. Now that you've read about the importance of voting, you're ready to make plans to attend the upcoming election. August 7th...